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“The House” Review

The House: Directed by Andrew Jay Cohen. With Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, Jason Mantzoukas, Ryan Simpkins. After the town takes away their daughter’s college scholarship, a couple start an illegal casino in their friend’s house to make back the money.

Released back in 2017 around the same time as “Daddy’s Home 2”, this has been on my watch list for a while. Every time I had an opportunity to watch it though, I kinda waffled about it. I do love Amy Poehler and I do love Will Ferrell, but they can be, at times, a bit much, and that seemed to be the whole movie’s plot, them being way too much for their college age kid. Turns out that they’re perfectly fine as there’s plenty of other recognizable and enjoyable actors for them to play off. It’s a relatively predictable movie, but I’m not watching Amy Poehler and Will Ferrell for intrigue or mystery.

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