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Brigsby Bear

9100O4cgp4L. SL1500  754x1024 Brigsby Bear

James has grown up with the kids’ show Brigsby Bear and the program has grown with him as well. One dramatic night, James’ insular world is upended. Upon learning the series has been cancelled, he adopts the old adage that the show must go on. By becoming Brigsby Bear’s new creator, James finally builds meaningful connections his life has lacked.

I was drawn to this movie because the trailer I seent really felt like it was the next chapter of a story line The Truman Show, which was a REALLY messed up movie if you sit back and think about it for too long. There’s a real heart to the story in Brigsby Bear and they don’t shy away from some heavy topics, facing them head on throughout the entire film.  The casting and acting of Kyle Mooney was fantastic, I didn’t even realize how old he was supposed to be in the film until someone mentioned it within the context of the film.

I highly suggest Brigsby Bear, it has a wonky charm that really does it for me.

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