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91wcx31DIJL. SL1500  768x1024 Octopussy

Stolen art treasures lead to a plan that will see Europe fall to a Russian invasion unless Bond can stop it in time.

James Bond joins a hyper sexualized cult that uses a hyper sexualized circus as cover to move products around East/West Germany. There’s a nuclear bomb mixed in for good measure, along with some really weird Indian stereotypes (stuffed sheep’s head? everyone’s either in turbans or has no shirt on?). All in all a pretty good film, but the red body suits that the ladies wear during their cult time give off a Greatest American Hero vibe, which is truly non-Bond.

MV5BYzBiYTE2MjEtMjVkNy00Y2I0LWIzZDQtM2JiNDA5ZDM5NTRjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@. V1  Octopussy

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